@ the TANGO TEA ROOM , 505 S. Water Street (behind Coliseum), Fridays, sign up starts 7:30 p.m., suggested donation $3. Directions and quick facts about Ballabajoomba Slam. contact us: sencerz@falcon.tamucc.edu

Judges have been given
instructions on how slam is the art of writing and performing poetry. But they are NOT experts; they are our public! They came here to listen to us (poets) and we come here to communicate with them. Let us remember that without our audience slam would not be possible.
Part of performing is dealing with a crowd. Our audience, as well as other poets, sometimes might want to talk back to us. It's up to us to incorporate their responses into our performance, ignore them, get our feelings hurt, or just plain talk back.
Those who choose to compete in the BALLABAJOOMBA SLAM! must

  • honor SLAM rules.
  • respect SLAM as a peaceful place for all-out free speech and friendly competition.
  • respect this house, poets, and audience including the judges.

It is now up to us to communicate effectively, artfully, honestly, and with gusto. If you cannot obey this code, please get lost in the sea where sharks will take care of you. Even better, get a day job!

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